“A dream which is not interpreted is like a letter not read.” - The Talmud
“Conversations with God” is, in essence, a journal of my explorations of God. A journey through a labyrinth with endless windows where I find God’s answers to my questions on beauty, womanhood, innocence, rage, lust, defiance, loneliness and finally contentment in peace. All done with a flighty twist – interpreted through images of winged beings.
I began to create the series in tempera paint to bring out a sense of the “classics”, reminiscent of the iconic religious paintings of the past. In doing so, I have discovered that each painting demanded different mixed elements to highlight the intricacies and symbolism of the particular character I was drawing.
In my paintings, I attach wings to the women because it signifies the truest notion of “winged messengers”. The message differs for each painting and this is my first ...
In God’s Breath
Egg Tempera, oxidized gold leaf
Artist: Charmian Toh
Copyright 2005
“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”- Genesis 2:7
In a dream I had, I was surrounded by His glory and Light that all I could feel was the comfort of His presence. And it is in this painting that I depict what it was like to have God’s breath (symbolized by swirls of oxidized gold and gold leaf) breathe life into your very soul while in a deep slumber.
“Conversations with God” is, in essence, a journal of my explorations of God. A journey through a labyrinth with endless windows where I find God’s answers to my questions on beauty, womanhood, innocence, rage, lust, defiance, loneliness and finally contentment in peace. All done with a flighty twist – interpreted through images of winged beings.
I began to create the series in tempera paint to bring out a sense of the “classics”, reminiscent of the iconic religious paintings of the past. In doing so, I have discovered that each painting demanded different mixed elements to highlight the intricacies and symbolism of the particular character I was drawing.
In my paintings, I attach wings to the women because it signifies the truest notion of “winged messengers”. The message differs for each painting and this is my first ...
In God’s Breath
Egg Tempera, oxidized gold leaf
Artist: Charmian Toh
Copyright 2005

In a dream I had, I was surrounded by His glory and Light that all I could feel was the comfort of His presence. And it is in this painting that I depict what it was like to have God’s breath (symbolized by swirls of oxidized gold and gold leaf) breathe life into your very soul while in a deep slumber.